Frequently Asked Questions

Can you recommend a funeral service?

Wake County Holding Facility cannot recommend funeral service providers. Consider using terms such as “funeral service Wake County” or “funeral service [your city]” in your preferred search engine to find local options.

How can I find an anatomical donation service?

The NC Department of Health and Human Services has a detailed guide on anatomical donation services available online.

Can I visit someone who is being held in your facility?

No, the facility is not designed to accommodate family viewings.

How do I request a copy of a final report?

Final Examination Reports are available from the NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. You can request a report on their website.

How do I know where my loved one is currently located?

Please contact the North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner directly to inquire about the current location and examination status of your loved one. They can be reached at 919-743-9000 or their website.

What if I have a question that you haven’t answered here?

If you have additional questions, please reach out to Wake County Holding Facility at or 919-817-5708.

Hours of Operation:
Monday–Saturday, 7 a.m.–5:30 p.m.